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  • Blog

    Our gift to you is the ultimate round up for gifts that give back, that make you feel like a better human being and that may help to spread a little more love and peace to all in this crazy time.
  • Blog

    What is raw?

    raw /rɔː/ adjective 1. (of food) not cooked. "raw cacao" synonyms: uncooked, fresh; undone.
  • Conscious Eating

    Plants-based Medicine | We're all about the Mushrooms

    If you’re loving a daily Matcha or Tumeric latte (or even if you’re not) then say hello to another one of Mother Nature’s marvellous, mysterious gifts coming soon to a KeepCup near you…medicinal mushrooms! Perfect in a coffee or hot cacao, you’ll never look at fungi in the same way.
  • BlogUK

    Loving Earth | Where it all began

    Our journey begins in rural India, not far from Mumbai, where Scott had been living on an all fruit diet, studying yoga and working with the local Adivasi people on an organic farming project. It was there that he met our Creative Director, Martha Butler.
  • Featured Foodies

    Featured Foodies – The Barefoot Housewife

    Before my kids came along I ran a Graphic Design business with my brother. Then during my boys preschool years, I took a different path & started The Barefoot Housewife. I love how creative it can be, from recipe development to food styling & photography. I also love the flexibility it gives me working from my studio set up at home.
  • Blog

    Chill out, don’t Burn Out!

    Life is running faster than it ever has done before…we are now exposed to as much data and information in one day as someone from the 1600’s experienced in an entire lifetime, no wonder we’re feeling more stressed and overwhelmed!
  • Food

    Spring Recipes Part 2.

    Start the day off right with a hit of hidden veg and our big blend of superfoods.
  • Food

    Spring Recipes Part 1.

    This winner of a tart is all allergy-friendly – gluten free, refined sugar free, vegan, and it still tastes delicious!
  • Tips

    Spring Cleanse and Detox

    Spring is the perfect time to hit the reset button and embark on a cleanse or detox. The intention of a cleanse is to give your body a break and allow the organs of elimination; your liver, kidneys and bowels, a rest to help repair and restore your body while flushing it with vital and alive nutrients.
  • Blog

    Activate Your Day and Feel Buckin’ Great

    You may have noticed a new word that has crept in; Activated. This doesn’t mean that your nuts have a fuller social life or better PB than you do, it means it’s been through a process called activation.
  • A Day In A Plate


    A Day On A Plate: Leah Vanderveldt, Author of The New Nourishing

    While I do pack a lot of foods that are considered “healthy” into my day, I also try not to fixate on labels or get all moral about food, because I believe that pizza and wine shared with good friends are equally as beneficial to me as a big green smoothie is.Here’s what my day on a plate looks like.
  • A Day In A Plate


    A Day On A Plate: Sophie Jaffe, From The Philosophie

    Meet Sophie! I absolutely love that we've entered a time when healthy eating means celebrating colors, big flavor, and beautiful fruits, veggies, grains, and spices from the earth.

Showing 61-72 of 436 posts

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