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Top Ten FAQ's
How can I open a wholesale account with Loving Earth?
Please click on the 'Wholesale' tab on the top right corner of the website and fill out our wholesale application form or contact our customer service team who will be more than happy to talk you though the process.
What's the difference between cocoa and cacao?
Theobroma Cacao is the Latin name for the cacao tree. In Latin countries, the word Cacao is used, where as in English-speaking countries, cocoa is more commonly used. We use the word Cacao because our cacao products are minimally processed and have not been through the intense processing that traditional cocoa products have.
The Cacao we use is grown by the Ashaninka community in the Peruvian Amazon. We’ve worked with the Ashaninka cooperative Kemito Ene since 2015, and their cacao is very special. It is shade-grown under the forest canopy as it has been for generations, preserving the forest while providing a sustainable income for the community. These traditional farming methods are naturally regenerative, retaining carbon in the soil, and keeping it fertile for future crops.
We trade directly with Kemito Ene, paying an above fair-trade price for their cacao. This Cacao is not roasted, unlike the majority of commercial cocoa. This really allows the complex flavour of these high quality beans to shine!
What does it mean when chocolate turns white?
This is known as ‘blooming’. The cacao butter becomes separated from the chocolate due to extreme changes in temperature. Although the chocolate is perfectly fine to eat, the texture may not be as intended.
In such circumstances, please get in touch with us and we’ll be happy to replace your chocolate.
Is Loving Earth's Coconut Oil extra virgin?
Yes, our Coconut Butter/Oil is extra virgin. Organic coconut flesh is crushed, pressed and centrifuged in order to achieve extra virgin oil. You can read about the full process here - Loving Earth Blog.
What is the difference between Balinese and Peruvian cacao powder and butter?
Both varieties have their own distinct idiosyncrasies and identity. Different growers, climate conditions, soil structures and the variety of crops grown in the area give each a unique flavour.
The Peruvian cacao powder has a lower fat content (12%) and higher ORAC score than the Balinese cacao powder which has about 25% fat content. The reason Balinese cacao powder has a higher fat content is because the temperature has been controlled to less than 45ºC in the press, so not as much pressure can be used. With Peruvian cacao powder much more pressure is used, generating heat so the temperature can get up to 65ºC in the press, but due to the increased pressure there is less fat in the finished product and therefore more antioxidants.
How much lauric acid is in your Coconut Oil?
Lauric acid makes up for 44 – 57% of Coconut Oil's fatty acid profile.
How can I open a wholesale account with Loving Earth?