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  • Tips

    Decluttering LYF

    Spring is here so… new life, randy birds, weird-smelling pollen, and an excuse to get rid of stuff.
  • Tips

    Winter Skincare with Loving Earth and INIKA Organic

    A skincare brand that’s on our radar here at the Loving Earth office is INIKA Organic. INIKA Organic is not only based out of Melbourne like us but is also 100% organic, plant-based and cruelty-free!
  • Tips

    Spring Cleanse and Detox

    Spring is the perfect time to hit the reset button and embark on a cleanse or detox. The intention of a cleanse is to give your body a break and allow the organs of elimination; your liver, kidneys and bowels, a rest to help repair and restore your body while flushing it with vital and alive nutrients.
  • Conscious Eating


    Happy and Healthy - Part 2

    We at Loving Earth are thrilled to be supporting FebFast-ers throughout the month of February as they change, not only their lives, but the lives of all those who are supported by YoDAA. We finish up with our final five top tips on how to lead a happy AND healthy life.
  • Conscious Eating


    Happy and Healthy - Part 1

    We at Loving Earth are pretty passionate about experimenting. We love a challenge and finding new ways of doing things, alternative processes, and embarking on on-going journeys of improvement. Which is why we’re happy to be supporting FebFast-ers throughout the month of February.
  • Tips

    Top five ways to kick-start your 2016

    January. It rolls around too fast every year, and we begin it with the best of intentions after the indulgence of Christmas. Our first question to ask once the clock strikes midnight is ‘What are your New Years resolutions?’ And we set about setting goals for what we want to achieve in the next 365 – well 366 days this year!
  • Tips

    Guilt & Conscious Eating – Snacking & Breakfasts

    So often we see products in our industry advertised as ‘guilt free’, illustrating just how problematic concepts around food and health can be. What is it that inspires ‘guilt’ around what we eat?
  • Tips

    49 Ways To Be Happy and Healthy in 2015!

    All of those heartfelt resolutions and well-laid plans have a habit of slipping in the still-festive post-Christmas period. That's no reason to abandon them though, and now that we've started to get into the swing of 2015, it's the perfect time to take a step back and reflect for a moment on what we want to do differently this year.
  • BlogUK


    Re-inspire Your Yoga Practice: Tips For Staying And Getting Back On The Mat

    Starting a yoga practice is a lot like entering into a marriage; you’re in for the long haul and it requires commitment, dedication, and love to stop it from going stale or even off the rails! You’ll have weeks and months where everything’s sailing along smoothly, and other periods where it’ll be more than a little rocky, you’ll feel like you’ve hit a physical or mental roadblock and wonder whether it's worth all the effort.
  • Tips

    Winter Depression - 5 Ways To Avoid SAD

    As winter draws in it’s harder and harder to get up in the mornings, a strong contrast to the bright summer months when the sun wakes us with a smile. Dragging yourself out of bed in the dark when it’s cold outside and there’s little chance of seeing the sun can be difficult, especially as the colder wetter months encourage us to overindulge in food and alcohol while staying inside more and exercising less. So now that winter’s well and truly here, what can we do about it?
  • Tips

    Healthy Eating in 2014 - Eleanor Ozich

    With so much information floating around these days, making healthy eating choices is starting to feel a lot like rocket science! So to start off your year on the right foot, we called upon Australia's leading well-being experts and healthy chefs to shed some light on the subject.
  • Tips

    We Heart Kale!

    Kale comes from a family of over-achievers. With cousins like broccoli, cauliflower, collard greens and brussels sprouts, it has a lot to live up to in terms of nutrient goodness… but fortunately kale is no black sheep!

Showing 1-12 of 13 posts

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