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  • Tips

    We Heart Kale!

    Kale comes from a family of over-achievers. With cousins like broccoli, cauliflower, collard greens and brussels sprouts, it has a lot to live up to in terms of nutrient goodness… but fortunately kale is no black sheep!
  • Food is Sacred

    Loving Earth’s Cold Pressed Coconut Oil – Minimally Processed for Maximum Health!

    The secret to our Cold Pressed Coconut Oil is in the processing. Why do we call it Cold Pressed Coconut Oil instead of just Coconut Oil? Because our oil is different. It’s wet-milled instead of dry milled, which helps contribute to the fact that our coconut oil is also very, very good for you.
  • Food

    Loving Earth’s Food Diary – New Horizons

    Over two months have passed since we started our Food Diary Project and the results are in: it’s pretty much life-changing. The concept is simple; you buy yourself a blank diary and write down what you ate and how you feel three times a day. It’ll take you two minutes. When you feel a certain mood on a certain day, look back at what you ate a day or two before. The results speak for themselves.
  • Health

    Maca - The Superfood of the Andes

    Last week we started taking at look at Maca through the lens of Nadine’s wonderful experience, as she told us how the incredible Peruvian root helped her overcome fertility issues that seemed to be insurmountable. This week we’ll be discussing the finer details of our Maca, how it’s grown and why so many people are discovering the health benefits to be gained from its use.  
  • People

    Loving Earth Maca: Nadine’s Story

    For a little while now we’ve been wanting to talk about the benefits of Maca, the superfood of the Andes. We’d already planned to take a detailed look at the fabulous Peruvian root this week, when suddenly we received the most wonderful testimonial from Nadine Sommerville in Port Macquarie NSW…such wonderful serendipity demands attention!
  • Food

    Eating Consciously: Food Diary Report #2

    "I’m now coming to the end of my fourth week of keeping a food diary, and the changes I feel are immense. Things have started to become really clear since the first report was posted last Friday…the difference I’ve experienced over the past week is greater than the first three weeks put together."
  • Food

    Revealing The Magic of Chocolate - Part IV: The Alchemy

    Making chocolate is a sort of alchemy. It's a very fickle medium to work with and people spend their entire lives experimenting with it, always discovering new things... The modern method of making chocolate revolves around synergy: the synergy between the Cacao and the sweetener. At Loving Earth we make our chocolate by hand-mixing the unique ingredients together and infusing them with our own heart energy and powerful ancient superfoods. This is where the magic really happens... 

Showing 25-31 of 99 posts

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