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  • Health

    Quick Guide to Superfoods

    Love it or hate it, the seasonal wheel is rolling along and we’re all on board for the ride. As the leaves drop with the temperatures, I’m definitely up for the cosy fashion options, steaming hot chocolate and a bit of extra love for my immune system. It’s time to talk about superfoods!
  • Food

    Spring Recipes Part 2.

    Start the day off right with a hit of hidden veg and our big blend of superfoods.
  • People

    Featured Foodies: Kathie & Jade - Panaceas Pantry

    "I moved out of home at 17, not really knowing anything about cooking and without much knowledge on nutrition and unsurprisingly I quickly started to create some pretty bad eating habits and soon after my body started to suffer. When I made the connection that whatever I put into my body directly affected me so much, and thankfully after years of living with Jade who was studying nutrition at the time, I started to take an interest in my health."
  • Food

    Antioxidants And Your Health

    ‘Boasting the highest ORAC values of all natural foods - Maqui Berries are packed with free radical fighting antioxidants!’ Free radicals?! Is that some kind of anarchist group?! And what’s an ORAC? And now that we mention it, what exactly are antioxidants...and why should YOU care?!
  • Food is Sacred

    All About Superfoods - Part 2

    In Part 1 of this series, we discussed the elements that define superfoods. We also discussed the fact that although there's considerable research being conducted surrounding our health and wellbeing, the results of these studies may not be entirely accurate. This is because in real life there are always various complex factors that cannot be accounted for. Fortunately, ancient cultures have been carrying out their own "studies" with research based on experimentation and experience over thousands of years! All we have to do is learn from their deep understanding of how nature has completely provided us with the means necessary for a healthy and vibrant life.
  • Food

    Loving Earth’s Food Diary – New Horizons

    Over two months have passed since we started our Food Diary Project and the results are in: it’s pretty much life-changing. The concept is simple; you buy yourself a blank diary and write down what you ate and how you feel three times a day. It’ll take you two minutes. When you feel a certain mood on a certain day, look back at what you ate a day or two before. The results speak for themselves.
  • Food

    Eating Consciously: The Food Diary Round-Up

    This week marks the end of the Food Diary experiment that we began back in October with our Listening To Your Body: Engaging With Food In A Conscious Way article. Those of you following our Food Is Sacred series will have seen the reports that we’ve been posting from my food diary on our blog over the past month; here’s a summary of the results.
  • Food

    Eating Consciously: Food Diary Report #3

    "Tuesday I wake up feeling fresh and begin with a cup of tea and a bowl of buckinis and rice milk with maqui and gubinge powder. A very busy day of work leaves me feeling stressed, though resisting the urge towards coffee I nevertheless avoid feeling frustrated and irritated. By evening I can’t wait for training, with a particularly full-on session leaving me with a bruised thigh and feet."
  • Food

    Eating Consciously: Food Diary Report #1

    "It’s now almost three weeks since I started the Food Diary and the changes I’ve felt are amazing. Initially sceptical, I’m now convinced of things I’d always suspected but never wanted to admit."
  • Food

    Listening To Your Body: Engaging with Food in a Conscious Way

    Last week we took a step back to engage with the concept of food as sacred, examining traditions from the ancient age right up to modern times. This week we’re taking a step forward: we’re demonstrating how you can apply these concepts to your life in a very real way, with a simple process that puts you in control. This may be the most important feature in our Food Is Sacred series…it really gets to the core of what we feel Loving Earth is all about. 

Showing 1-10 of 31 posts

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