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  • Subtly sweet, super fudgy, seriously chocolaty (yet secretly healthy) rich chocolate cupcakes stuffed with black cherry jam, slathered with lashings of light and fluffy, freshly whipped cream finished with a sprinkling of dark chocolate a dusting of cacao then crowned with an extra glorious, sweet juicy cherry!

  • Raspberries and Chocolate - a winning combo. That's why we've got a Raspberry Cashew Mylk Chocolate. It's also why we've made a Raspberry Chocolate Cake. Filled and decorated with fresh raspberries, this cake has "spring" written all over it!

  • A cake is so much better when it's got texture and crunch ;) And so is chocolate. That's why we've combined a delicious vanilla cake with our newest ALMOND CRUNCH bar for a next-level crunchy, chocolatey bundt cake! It's full of extra crushed roast almonds and a gooey Almond Crunch chocolate center. Complete with a melted Dark Chocolate Icing. Perfect for a snack or a dessert...or breakfast - if you're like me and love a piece of cake with a morning coffee!

  • As much as we're chocolate-lovers here in the office, we love a good morning cup of coffee too. We've partnered up with our eco-friendly & Melbourne-based counterparts, Pod & Parcel to bring to you our collab Chocolate Coffee Cake.

    The coffee shots add depth to this cake while the berries add tartness and balance out the sweetness from the chocolate chunks.

    It's the perfect combination of flavours!

    As per usual, it's plant-based. But let us tell're not even going to notice!

  • A mud-cake that's free from gluten, refined sugar and 100% is that even possible? The addition of one of our favourites; avocado, of course.

    Avo isn't just for guac and smashing on toast!

    The creaminess of the fruit makes it just the perfect thing for a decadent but healthy dessert.

  • When you're on the search for something chocolate-y, cake-y and a little bit gooey...look no further than a chocolate brownie ;) We call this one "double hazelnut" because it includes our velvety Hazelnut bar as well as whole roasted hazelnuts mixed through - the added crunch makes the brownie!

  • When it comes to doughnuts, we do-nut discriminate. But one of our favourites is the Old Fashioned doughnuts. Crumbly and cakey. Dipped in 85% Dark and covered in cacao nibs. Doughnuts are my ultimate comfort food.

  • I’m intimidated by making layered cakes. At one stage I thought someone could potentially Photoshop another layer or two if it didn’t work. Then someone told me to split between two tins. True story :/

  • I love a good bundt cake! With all the grooves, it's the perfect kind of cake for icing, decorating and pouring melted chocolate over.

    But what's better than a bundt cake, are mini-bundt cakes. Maybe it's just me, but the super cute sizes make them even more delicious <3

  • Warm, gooey chocolate mug cakes for dessert. This one would make for a pretty heavenly breakfast too! It's so quick and easy to make (literally 5 minutes), you could really have it any time of the day. For something a little different, try buckwheat flour (using our plain buckinis!) in place of almond meal.
  • Cue Nigella voice - There’s something nourishing about using seasonal produce….but seriously it’s a pretty good feeling getting a whole heap of affordable organic and seasonal ingredients and making something wholesome and sweet to pair with a good cuppa.

  • Chocolate and beetroot. It seems like an unlikely combo but in actual fact, it's a match made in heaven! This cake's fruity, sweet, decadent and'd never know it's 100% plant-based, gluten free and grain free! Topped off with creamy homemade coconut whip with vibrant pink Pitaya powder from Unicorn Superfoods adding that POP of colour :)

  • There's no better way to celebrate the launch of our newest chocolate bar, Cashew Mylk, than with cake.  This double-layered cake is super rich and decadent with the addition of our cashew mylk and a delicious cashew cream frosting. Perfect for any celebratory occasion!

  • Cheesecake or tart for dessert? Sometimes it's just too hard to choose! That's why we rolled it into one for this No-Bake Lemon Cheesecake Tart. The hint of citrus in our Lemon Cheesecake chocolate gives this rich and creamy dessert a refreshing finish.

  • Here's a way to get more servings of veggies into your day! A slice of our chocolate beetroot bundt cake with coconut chocolate ganache. Any excuse to eat chocolate, right? The pairing between our rich, velvety dark chocolate and the earthy flavour of beetroot is heavenly.

  • Its all in the name... just wait till you taste! (spoiler alert, its turkishly delightful)

  • This masterpiece involves not only cake, a biscuit base and chocolate, but it also has raw fudge balls on top! A really cool way to impress your friends and family with a healthier option to regular cake.

  • We have a recipe for a chocolate and beetroot cake in our first book. It’s a very popular cake and it’s easy to understand why, given that the decadent flavour of chocolate and earthy undertones of beetroot are a match made in heaven. When we created this smoothie recipe we wanted to make a liquid version of that cake. We use avocado to create a smooth, creamy consistency, dates for sweetness and blackberries for a fresh twist.

    This recipe is taken from Green Kitchen Smoothies by David Frenkiel and Luise Vindahl, published by Hardie Grant Books and available now where all good books are sold. Find out more information on the book here.

  • This is the perfect quick dessert recipe to whip up if you have guests coming over. Light but indulgently chocolatey!

  • We love this lemony caramel cashew bowl, topped with all the goodies to get you through the morning!

Showing 1-21 of 123 posts

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