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Top 5 Things That Make Gubinge Awesome.

It’s that time of year when going from freezing cold fresh air to air conditioned insides is playing havoc with your health.

Random sneezes trigger a panic of whether full on flu is about to hit, and you know you should get into bed earlier, eat more nourishing, warming foods and take good care of yourself.

Well fear not, our super hero friend Gubinge, is packed full of awesomeness to help keep the bugs at bay and your immune system happy.


It has the highest levels of vitamin C. This is because it has had to grow in such a harsh environment – The Kimberley’s in the Northern Territory, that it has to produce more phytonutrients to survive. What helps protect the plant is what also helps protect us people.


It is an anti-microbal and anti-bacterial, according to studies from the USA*. Again fighting off any foreign body that decides to try and take up residence and making sure you are already in fighting fit so not susceptible to catching colds.


It is a complete wholefood. The Nyul Nyul people traditionally eat the seed and fruit, which we have kept in line with, dehydrating the entire fruit, milling it and making it into a powder. This means all the nutrients are more bioavailable to you when you eat it.


It is helping the community bring back traditional native practices. It is important that we look after what looks after us, you will see that the traditional land owners of the Winawaal region have a powerful connection to the earth.


It is injecting much-needed funds into the area. Our Gubinge is important to us, it has enabled to re-establish a living practice that can sustain the people and the land, using the traditional methods.


So there you have it, we know who we’re going to be getting cosy with on these cold nights .
Can you think of any other fun facts to add to our list? Comment below…


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