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Top five ways to start Zero Waste living in 2019

January. The month where we get to declare our good intentions for the next 365 days and set up the habits to help get us there. If you’re anything like us though, life seems to get in the way a few weeks in and February feels like it could be back to business as usual. This year we’re determined to do things differently.

2019 is being heralded as the year of Green Action and with the climate change protests of school children throughout the country at the end of last year, we’re heading into January with a sense of rolling up our sleeves and getting to work.

First up we’re tackling what we throw away. We wrote about the Loving Earth R’s of a plastic free life, now we’re going one step further.

Below are our top five ways of how to start going zero waste.


  1. Ditch single use plastic

This may be the most known, but it bears repeating. Single use plastic is one of the simplest and fastest ways to reduce waste. Even if you’re caught short without a re-useable bottle, go for the glass options instead of plastic. And get a bag that folds down small to keep in your bag if you find your re-useable bags are still in the car when you come to the check out.

With sandwich bags, try wrapping in a cloth tea towel, or wash and re-use resealable bags that your ingredients have come in.


  1. DIY tissues and paper towels

It may be something you think of as something your grandad always had but replacing your pocket tissues for a handkerchief will save on paper waste.

Paper towels and handkerchiefs are super easy to make from repurposed cotton shirts or tea towels. Make enough to last you a full week and throw them in with your laundry. Our friend Cat from simple(ish) living talks about how she converted here.


  1. Swap to more sustainable options

Dish sponges are really hard to recycle. It may be a little more expensive in the long run but investing in a wooden or natural fibre brush that can be broken down and recycled is going to keep unnecessary plastic out of landfill. Otherwise, make your own cloths as per above. Also look for other easy swaps for throw away items – such as tooth brushes made from bamboo.


  1. Get out in the garden

It may feel a bit intimidating, but composting will see you reduce your weekly rubbish output massively. All fruit and vegetable scraps, eggshells, coffee grounds, tea bags, paper, and anything that is home compostable (like our packaging!) can all go into making a thriving compost. It takes a bit of effort to get set up and to keep on top of, but the reward of good compost for your garden is worth it. Check out our how to start a DIY compost blog here.


  1. Buy in bulk and use your Tupperware

If you’re anything like most houses, the Tupperware cupboard is ALWAYS a bone of contention. Store lids with their respective containers and try and slowly transition to glass or stainless steel when you can. Also, take a leaf out of restaurants books and mark up your extra portions for the freezer with when you made them and what they are with some masking tape and texter. Use old jars / containers again and again at bulk food stores, just don’t forget to weigh the empty container before you start filling it! And this doesn’t just apply to things like rice or nuts. Most places also do bulk olive oil, laundry liquid, shampoo and conditioner!


Finally, find people to follow that really inspire you! We love Erin from The Rogue Ginger and Kathryn of Going Zero Waste.

What are the things that you can think of to start your zero waste journey? We’d love to hear from you in the comments below.



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