What are your ‘non-negotiables’ when it comes to diet & lifestyle?
I need healthy food, a solid 8 hours of sleep (at least) and lots of water to function like a normal human being. I've always been very sensitive to eating badly, dehydration and lack of sleep - I cannot fathom how people pull all nighters! I know it's all very boring for a 23 year old, but I really can't be a nice person otherwise.
When & how did you first begin cooking?
I have been cooking since I can remember - my Nan was a great cook, and my parents ran a cafe when I was young. Much to their dismay, I always loved to help them cook at home, 'adding at least an extra hour onto cooking time' as Mum laments. I used to make up recipes and pretend to be on my own cooking show in the back garden, to an unreceptive audience stuffed toys or cats. Thankfully my readership is a bit more lively these days.
{image - Salted Caramel and Dark Chocolate Bark}
When did you realise how much you loved it?
I've always enjoyed cooking, but I think it was when I started getting sick that I took a more intense interest in what I was eating. There was a time when I considered a diet coke as a suitable 'snack food' - getting sick was one of those moments where my whole attitude towards food changed.
What inspired you to start doing what you do? How has your brand developed and what have been some milestones for you?
I started my Instagram as a hobby - I had been posting an annoying amount of food photos on my own Instagram and I figured my friends might disown me if I continued. Over the course of two years, it has slowly morphed from merely uploading pictures of my lunch, to developing recipes, styling and photographing food for a whole host of different companies I love. Having said that, I think my most exciting moment to date was when Jamie Oliver started following me on Instagram- I know this is such a fangirl thing to say but I think he is just the absolute best!
{image - Chocolate Hazelnut Bars}
What do you love about living in Melbourne? Are there any restaurants, cafes, stores you visit for inspiration?
I love travelling and there are so many gorgeous cities I've visited, but Melbourne has to be one of my all time favourites! (I'm Sydney raised) I love the cafe and coffee culture - Melbournians are serious about both and I love that. I love Brunswick Street and Smith Street in Fitzroy - just walking the streets there inspires me to get creative. Brunswick is also a personal favourite - I'm a northsider at heart.
{image - Caramelised Banana Split with Mylk Chocolate}
When did you first become aware of Loving Earth? What's your favourite way to use our foods?
I first found Loving Earth when I was living in Brunswick about four years ago - I stumbled across the chocolate in a health food store and got hooked. I love melting the chocolate and pouring it on top of whatever I happen to be eating - granola, porridge, fruit, whatever. I don't discriminate!
{image -Cashew Milk Hot Cacao with Choc Mint Dippers}
Check out Georgia's Instagram, Facebook and website George Eats.