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  • BlogUK


    Re-inspire Your Yoga Practice: Tips For Staying And Getting Back On The Mat

    Starting a yoga practice is a lot like entering into a marriage; you’re in for the long haul and it requires commitment, dedication, and love to stop it from going stale or even off the rails! You’ll have weeks and months where everything’s sailing along smoothly, and other periods where it’ll be more than a little rocky, you’ll feel like you’ve hit a physical or mental roadblock and wonder whether it's worth all the effort.
  • Yoga

    We Are Part Of Nature, Not Separate From It

    Within the stress of everyday life we can become disconnected from the energy and flow of the natural world. Generally speaking we spend much of our time indoors and when we are outside it’s often to get ourselves from one place to another. Our lives involve the use of computers, mobile phones, cars, televisions, artificial lighting and other modern technologies.
  • Yoga

    Starting Your Yoga Practice At Home

    The easiest way to develop a sustainable practice is with patience, acknowledging that your body changes very single day, therefore coming to your mat without expectations. You need to understand your body’s needs and work within your boundaries – knowing when to push and when to hold back approaching your practice with acceptance of whatever is showing up on your mat each day and respecting your body by moving it mindfully.

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