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We Are Part Of Nature, Not Separate From It

Within the stress of everyday life we can become disconnected from the energy and flow of the natural world. Generally speaking we spend much of our time indoors and when we are outside it’s often to get ourselves from one place to another. Our lives involve the use of computers, mobile phones, cars, televisions, artificial lighting and other modern technologies. We don’t always take the time to simply be in nature and notice the natural wonders such as the feel of breeze on our skin, the sound of birds in the trees, or to watch the ever changing clouds in the sky. When we allow ourselves “to be” in the natural world, we open ourselves up to the connection of everything in life and the joy of living in the now.

The meaning of the word yoga is union or oneness, and the wisdom of yoga goes far beyond the physical postures that it’s commonly known for in the western world. The purpose of yoga is to calm the fluctuations of the mind and be in an experience of interconnection with all.

To practice yoga outdoors is a great way to connect with your surroundings and to experience your true nature within. The natural world is rooted in yoga with many postures named after animals, and sun salutations are a means of honouring the sun.

I teach yoga on stand up paddleboards to give people an experience of connection with the natural world. Being on the lake gives us an opportunity to be away from busy life and get in touch with our surroundings. Nature is the yoga studio and nature is the teacher.

It requires more focus to practice yoga on a stand up paddleboard as you need to be more specific with the placement of your hands and feet to ensure stability and balance. We always finish the class in savasana where we lay on our backs with our hands in the water and the sound the water lapping against the board.




Here are some ideas for connecting with nature...

Watch the sunrise
Be outside at this quiet and peaceful time of day and know that you are witnessing a unique moment in time. It’s the same sun each day but it brings new light.

Walk barefoot
Take off your shoes and notice the connection of your feet on the earth as you walk. Notice how it feels to be connected with the earth.

Embrace the weather
Next time you’re caught in the rain, don’t try to avoid it but take it all in. Look up to the sky and feel the rain touching your face. No matter what the weather is doing see if you can embrace all conditions equally.

Go outside and take some long deep breaths. Observe the air as it moves in and out of your body. Picture the oxygen reaching every cell of your body. As you breathe the air from the world around you, allow the distinction between your body and the outer world start to fade. Where does your body end and where does the rest of the world begin?


Di Morrison lives in Freshwater on Sydney’s Northern Beaches and works for Power Living Australia Yoga, eco studio Yoga Sivana, and SUP Yoga Sydney. Di is a qualified Environmental Scientist with experience in the sustainable energy sector. Di spends much of her free time outdoors and her favourite ways to connect with nature are to watch the sunrise, paddle surfing and camping.

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