Featured Foodie: Ellie Bullen - Elsa's Wholesome Life
We’ve been watching Ellie grow over the past year or so and have been amazed at the remarkable food she continually produces! Ellie is a dietician student currently living on the sunny Gold Coast. By checking through her lovely recipes it’s easy to see that she is a plant loving foodie with loads of creative kitchen ideas.People
Featured Foodie: Stacey Clare - A Healthy Mum
Stace loves to create healthy recipes the whole family can enjoy, together. She is an accredited health and wellness coach with years of experience in the kitchen developing recipes for both clients and her family!Sustainability
Sustainability On Our Mind
Composting Awareness Week is a great way to get people talking about natural ways to create healthy soils and reduce carbon pollution. We took this opportunity to talk with Bron, our sustainability-minded Product Development Manager and composting enthusiast about what Loving Earth is doing to reduce our environmental impact.Food is Sacred
It’s a grain! It’s a cereal! No – It’s Buckwheat!
It looks like a grainy cereal, it sounds like some kind of wheat – but surprisingly enough, Buckwheat is none of those. It is actually the seed of a fruit. In fact, Buckwheat is not related to wheat at all, it comes from the sorrel, knotweed and rhubarb family. This stuff is so popular, there is an actual international symposium on buckwheat held every three years! If you cannot make it to the next one – here are some things you should know about this mystery super food...Food
Eating Consciously: The Food Diary Round-Up
This week marks the end of the Food Diary experiment that we began back in October with our Listening To Your Body: Engaging With Food In A Conscious Way article. Those of you following our Food Is Sacred series will have seen the reports that we’ve been posting from my food diary on our blog over the past month; here’s a summary of the results.Food
Eating Consciously: Food Diary Report #3
"Tuesday I wake up feeling fresh and begin with a cup of tea and a bowl of buckinis and rice milk with maqui and gubinge powder. A very busy day of work leaves me feeling stressed, though resisting the urge towards coffee I nevertheless avoid feeling frustrated and irritated. By evening I can’t wait for training, with a particularly full-on session leaving me with a bruised thigh and feet."Food
Eating Consciously: Food Diary Report #1
"It’s now almost three weeks since I started the Food Diary and the changes I’ve felt are amazing. Initially sceptical, I’m now convinced of things I’d always suspected but never wanted to admit."Food
Listening To Your Body: Engaging with Food in a Conscious Way
Last week we took a step back to engage with the concept of food as sacred, examining traditions from the ancient age right up to modern times. This week we’re taking a step forward: we’re demonstrating how you can apply these concepts to your life in a very real way, with a simple process that puts you in control. This may be the most important feature in our Food Is Sacred series…it really gets to the core of what we feel Loving Earth is all about.